Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting Ready for NY Comic Con!

Counting down to New York Comic Con...tomorrow!

My kitty Rory has been assisting me as I've been getting everything prepared. Here he is "helping" me paint my sign, which will be a big variation of the Page by Paige book cover.
And he helped me cut up Artistic Licenses and Fun Permission Slips to give away. Then Rory helped me finish a costume that my boyfriend Kurt Christenson will be using to help promote his new comic Power Play at Comic Con. It's a character named Gowanus Pete who is half man half squid!
I've also made some simple block prints so I can offer up some human printmaking like I've done before at FIGMENT and other events. Rory couldn't help out with this part, it require fine motor skills.
Here's where my table will be located amid all the comic-y chaos. I hope you can stop by my table, I'll be there tomorrow thru Sunday!

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